Purpose of Policy
This Sustainable Events Management Policy directs activities relating to events undertaken by our organisation .
The policy’s purpose is to:
- Ensure our commitment to the principles of Sustainable Development are enacted within the context of event planning and delivery.
Aims of Policy
Through implementation of this Policy, Nectar Creative Communications aims to maximise the positive contribution events can play in supporting the sustainable development goals of the region.
Our aim is to seek a standard of practice that is consistent with best practice in events sustainability, by achieving compliance with ISO 20121.
The role events play in communicating and demonstrating sustainability-in-action to event attendees and the community is embraced in the implementation of this policy.
Policy Statement
Our senior management is committed to the implementation of sustainable development principles in planning and delivery of our event(s).
Nectar Creative Communications is committed to establishing, promoting, and maintaining a culture of sustainability and environmental responsibility by staff, supply chain, and broader stakeholders.
We ensure timely management reviews of all events sustainability management activity, and measurement and reporting of performance, with a commitment to continual improvement.
About Nectar Creative Communications
The team at Nectar produce an average of 20 – 25 events for a range of clients across Australia each year. These events can vary in size from 20 – 5000 attendees. Nectar has two divisions – event production and event consultancy.
- Our production team focuses on the seamless delivery of special events meetings conferences and exhibitions sponsorship management and activations and digital solutions.
- Our experienced event consultants work with clients to develop their events program identifying areas of improvement both with the internal processes and the visitor/audience experience. We are content designers strategically writing programs for events and tradeshows. As a team we are bound by our passion for exceptional event experiences and we believe in the power of events as the most impactful way to deliver a message and influence an audience and strive to do this is a sustainable way.
Nectar is a member of several industry bodies including the Professional Conference Organisers Association Inc Australian Marketing Institute and Meetings and Events Australia and Peta actively travels and participate in industry events around the world to ensure we are across all the latest trends and technology on offer.
Nectar Creative Communications has adopted measures to ensure operations are moving towards sustainability. During the event life cycle we identify issues relating to sustainable development and manage them to achieve improved sustainability performance across a range of issues such as:
- communications and training;
- safety;
- water conservation;
- sustainable transport;
- energy reduction;
- waste avoidance and minimisation.
We have set goals and identified Sustainability Performance Indicators to help track the sustainability of our event activities over time ensuring continual improvement. These indicators make up our sustainability reporting and are guided by the Global Reporting Initiative Event Organizer Sector Supplement.
Sustainability issues will be at the core of the event planning cycle, with equal importance given to sustainability, alongside logistical, creative, and financial aspects. Integrating a sustainability management system into event planning, will ensure we are identifying and effectively managing sustainability issues and thus meeting our sustainable development goals.
Sustainable Development Principles
Sustainability is defined as being able to meet the needs of the present without depleting resources or harming natural cycles for future generations. Planning for sustainability provides a framework which links economic, social, and environmental matters.
The overarching principles of Sustainable Development to which we subscribe include:
- Inclusivity: All potentially interested parties in the event are identified and have access to the event;
- Integrity: To ensure the highest level of integrity in event production and content, event management is undertaken by event staff with professionalism, regard for the law and without bias;
- Stewardship: Taking the precautionary principle into account for all environmental sustainability aspects and resource conservation;
- Transparency: Relevant information about the event’s operation is available for interested parties as it applies to them;
- Labour Standards: Ensuring fair labour and working conditions at events and throughout the events supply chain;
- Human Rights: The event supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensures it is not complicit in human rights abuses;
- Legacy: Leaving enduring benefits (information, behavior change, resources) within the event destination and its community, throughout the supply chain and/or with event attendees.
Event staff will consider the principles of sustainable development when carrying out their duties. The above principles are interpreted through the implementation of this Policy.
Inclusivity – All potentially interested parties in the event and its production activities are identified and have access to the event. This includes communities, authorities, supply chain, talent, staff, crew, and attendees.
The following is a matter of policy to ensure inclusivity within event production planning:
- Channels available for event attendees and general community to communicate on event related issues with the event organiser;
- Website includes information on topics which may affect the immediate community, broader community, and attendees; operating hours, traffic alterations, noise and lighting controls, protection of local biodiversity, waste management, security and safety;
- Online forums and feedback routes are encouraged on event websites to allow discussion and communication around various aspects of the event;
- Ticketing policies and procedures do not discriminate accessibility to the event by any group;
- Event planning includes analysis and planning for accessibility issues for those attendees with mobility issues or sensory impairment;
- Access by disadvantaged, marginalised or vulnerable groups who may otherwise not have access to the event is considered and access planned for;
- Contractors, suppliers, staff and crew are all included in event planning and debriefing and have the opportunity to express their opinions, give feedback, offer suggestions or to present grievances on decisions made by the event organisation;
- The event recognizes traditional or indigenous land owners or host community and ensures their acknowledgement and participation; Local heritage, cultural, religious beliefs and tradition are respected.
Integrity – To ensure the highest level of integrity in production and content, event management is undertaken by event staff with:
- professionalism;
- regard for the law;
- without bias;
- with regard for the highest standard of ethical consideration (including procurement choices);
- ensuring diversity is encouraged and developed through its employment policy and also through content programming if relevant.
All legal regulations that apply to the event are adhered to and may include;
- Occupational Health & Safety;
- Noise, light, and trading hours regulation;
- Traffic and congestion regulation;
- Environment Protection Agency regulations;
- Waterways Authority ;
- Disability, accessibility and anti-discrimination regulation;
- Liquor licensing;
- Fire, Safety and Policing regulations (include drug control);
- Privacy of personal information (including that supplied electronically).
Transparency- Relevant information about the event’s operation is available for interested parties as it applies to them. The following is a matter of policy to ensure transparency of event production planning and delivery:
- The audience is kept up to date with ticket release dates, event information, programming, and other relevant information;
- Staff and crew have access to information about working hours and conditions and are consulted and informed if any changes need to be made;
- Regulatory authorities have access to relevant policies and plans at appropriate points throughout the event planning cycle;
- Local community is kept informed of relevant information at key points during the event planning cycle.
Stewardship – Taking the precautionary principle into account for all environmental sustainability aspects and resource conservation is ensured within event planning and delivery.
Nectar Creative Communications understands we have temporary custodianship of the land on which the event is carried out, the immediate natural environment and a responsibility for protection and conservation of natural resources.
The following are in place to ensure stewardship of land and resources is considered by our event planning and delivery activities:
- All events shall ensure respect for, and acknowledgment of traditional owners, including culturally appropriate ceremonies or formal procedures;
- Event planning and activities include consideration for localised environmental impacts;
- It is understood that events require the consumption of considerable natural resources and choices are made which reduce this consumption to the minimal level;
- Event activities produce waste streams (solid, liquid and gaseous) and procedures are in place to reduce these impacts;
- Through the sustainable procurement policy the event encourages development and diffusion of sustainable technologies.
Labour Standards & Human Rights – We ensure fair labour and working conditions at our events and throughout the event’s supply chain. The following is a matter of policy to ensure fair labour and working conditions:
- The event does not restrict or limit the ability for all staff, talent or supply chain to be involved in labour unions or other collective bargaining groups;
- The event plays its part in eliminating all forms of forced, compulsory, or child labour in its supply chain through the procurement decisions it makes;
- The event plays its part in ensuring discrimination is eliminated both through its own employment policy, that of sub-contractors and through the supply chain/procurement choices made;
- The event supports and respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensures it is not complicit in human rights abuses. This is enacted through the choices made in product, materials, and supplies procurement.
Legacy The event aims to leave enduring benefits knowledge transfer, physical resources, and behavioural change.
This is achieved through the following:
- Supporting community initiatives through supply of exposure, resources, time, equipment or money;
- Hosting interns and volunteers to transfer event production skills into the community;
- Supply chain management to increase and embed sustainability to those companies which supply goods and services to the event;
- Professional development of event planning staff and crew on sustainability knowledge;
- Ecological rehabilitation of the immediate event site if relevant.
The above principles, goals and strategies are embedded into all aspects of event planning, including procurement and production logistics decisions.
The following pages of the Policy detail operations aspects to event planning and delivery which are in place as a matter of policy to uphold the principles of sustainable development.
Operational Aspects
Communications and Training – We recognise the important role events can play in communicating sustainability and encouraging action throughout our community and through the supply chain. We recognise that it is our responsibility to ensure those members of staff and third parties with the responsibility of implementing this Policy must have the required skills and competencies to do so.
Safety – We aim to produce our event(s) with the highest level of safety. This includes:
- risk assessment;
- workplace health and safety;
- public safety;
- food handling.
Energy – The potential impacts of event power use include the consumption of fossil fuels in energy production, greenhouse gases emitted, and localised pollution.
Power is required for: stage lighting, sound, screens/video, caterers, bars, traders, exhibitors, venue (house, stage, HVAC), site lighting, dressing rooms, offices, and amenities.
The energy goals are to:
- reduce total energy used;
- maximise use of renewable energy;
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a result of energy use and source of energy supply.
To measure performance against these goals the following is in place where relevant and possible:
- Venues used are requested to supply power consumption (kWh) for the event.
Waste – Waste is created at events through production activities and through attendee interaction with the event. Potential waste is viewed as a valuable resource to be cycled back into the system (recycled, repurposed, composted, turned into energy), rather than as a by-product of event activities to be discarded.
Production activities create waste in the build and breakdown phases, Event day production waste from crew and performance catering and other event activities is also created, Food and merchandise traders create waste back-of-house along with attendee waste through their purchases, Sponsors create waste through giveaway product samples, on-site activation and build of set or decor, and Specific event activities and entertainment also produce unique waste streams.
Waste management goals are to:
- reduce total waste produced;
- maximise recovery resources diverted to recycling, repurposing or composting.
Goals are achieved through: waste prevention strategies, and segregating waste at the event to optimise final processing effectiveness and landfill diversion rates.
To measure performance against these goals the following is in place where relevant and possible: venues used are requested to supply waste volume created by the event. Water
Water is used at events for: drinking, cleaning, toilet flushing, handwashing, and catering kitchens.
The goals for managing potential water-based impacts and issues are: minimise disruption to natural bodies of water and the immediate ecological environment, ensure no contamination of waterways from event activities, reduce water used by the event, ensure no chemical contamination of waste water, and reduce wastewater produced by the event. Goals are achieved through: ensuring waterways protection, ensuring all regulations relating to waterways are adhered to, using water efficient devices, water conservation practices, and educating water users on water conservation goals.
To measure performance against these goals the following is in place where relevant and possible:
- venues used are requested to supply water volume created by the event;
- water supply contractors are required to report on total water volume;
- liquid waste removal contractors are required to report on total liquid waste produced;
- on-site auditing of compliance is undertaken to check that environmentally sound cleaning products are used and that water conservation techniques are in place.
The following is measured and reported where relevant and possible:
- total water consumed;
- total waste water produced.
Transport – Transport requirements for the events is recognised as a significant contributor to the event’s GHG emissions inventory. While full control is not possible over all transport requirements, we aim to influence reductions in transport impact through our engagement with stakeholders and through adjustments to our procurement and event logistics.
Transport impacts include the production of localized pollution and congestion, along with consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels and creation of greenhouse gases.
Transport or travel is required for the movement of: infrastructure, equipment, staging, furniture, decor, products, materials and supplies, staff, crew, contractors, talent, speakers, performers, artists, activity providers, exhibitors, stall holders, VIPS and guests, sponsors, delegates, competitors, attendees, audience, spectators, participants, waste removal, waste supply, and liquid waste removal.
The event venue .
The overarching event transport goals are to:
- reduce GHG emissions resulting from event attendee travel;
- reduce GHG emissions resulting from event production travel and transport;
- reduce localised congestion caused by event activities.
To measure performance against these goals the following is in place where relevant and possible:
- attendee surveys, transport provider data or other analysis is undertaken to establish mode of travel proportions and eventual calculation of attendee travel impacts for the event;
- production travel for staff, crew, performers and other travel arranged by the event for the event’s creation is logged.
Goals are achieved through:
- choosing an event site situated close to likely attendees;
- ensuring public transport options are available;
- encouraging and incentivising uptake of public transport options;
- promoting cycling and/or walking to the event;
- promoting carbon offsetting by participants who must fly to the event;
- bundling carbon offsets with tickets for those that must fly to the event;
- encouraging carpooling and liftsharing;
- measuring and carbon offsetting event production travel;
- procuring and contracting locally;
- using sustainable freighting practices.
The following is measured and reported where relevant and possible:
- Talent & Crew Travel;
- Freight & Production Transport;
- Business Travel.
Procurement – Purchase decisions are made every day in the pre-production phase of event planning, and the right choices need to be made to manage potential sustainability impacts procurement.
Product and service providers which procure on behalf of Nectar Creative Communications are encouraged to understand the impacts of their procurement activities and to take steps to make the most sustainable choices.
Making the optimal procurement decisions balances sustainable options given circumstances of the event and availability of solutions. Considerations include:
- Resource conservation through purchasing only what is needed in the quantities needed.;
- Store and reuse rather than purchase and discard after a single use;
- Choosing products with ethical production and fair labour policies;
- Procuring products and services locally to support the local economy and reduce transport impacts;
- Procuring products and services which have independent eco-label certification;
- Procuring products which are made from sustainably harvested, grown or mined raw materials;
- Procuring products which are made through sustainable manufacturing processes;
- Procuring products which are made from recycled materials;
- Procuring products that can be recycled, composted or repurposed at their end of life;
- Procuring products which are non-toxic and chemical-free;
- Procuring products which are with low manufacturing carbon footprints;
- Preferentially using local, organic, or seasonal produce;
- Service providers have sustainability policies to ensure sustainable operations and their own sustainable procurement.