Social for Sales Workshop 2017


You’ve set your SMART goals for 2017, and one was to get that great idea for an event, workshop or conference off the ground. Now what? It’s already February and you’ve fallen down yet another rabbit hole. Don’t let your goals or ideas fall by the wayside, now’s the time to leap into action!

If you don’t have the resources, skill set, experience or time to convert this idea into a reality, why don’t you make approaching a professional marketer and event organiser your first step? Although you have the industry smarts, a professional can make things happen whilst you focus on the core of the business.

At Nectar, we don’t just work for companies, we partner with them. In our experience, a partnership offers a combined depth of knowledge, creativity and agility.

As Helen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”.

Meet Our Partner in Crime – Mark.

We were approached by Mark McInnes (Australia’s #1 Social Seller) from SalesITV in September 2016.

Mark is regularly engaged by large firms such as Coca-Cola Amatil and Tyro Payments to run a full day workshop for their sales team on how they can grow their sales using Linkedin.

He identified an opportunity for small to mid-sized businesses to benefit from the very same workshop without the hefty price tag (as they didn’t have to pay for Mark’s time exclusively). As a result he approached us to partner with SalesITV to a run series of workshops across Australia.

Mark had the killer content, he just needed someone to manage the logistics and to develop and implement the (often time consuming) marketing strategy.

This partnership enables SalesITV to focus on what they do best – sales coaching; and Nectar to focus on what we do best – event production and marketing. It works because we both contribute diverse skills and insights providing a sense of unity to the project that no one partner could have achieved alone.

Partnerships such as these create value by the means of two-way conversations. Why not pursue your idea by starting a conversation with us? We’d love to collaborate with you to bring your idea to life.

And, if smashing your sales quotas in 2017 was one of your goals, look no further than the Social for Sales workshops.